
How to find me.

Thanks for wanting to reach out. I usually respond to all legitimate communications, but particularly prompt replies will be given to:

  • Requested commentary to media on breaking security, identity, or ethics-related stories or issues.
  • Genuine queries about speaking at events.
  • Questions about Ruse, a mobile camera-based application that attempts to alter photos to preserve their utility to humans while making them unusable for facial recognition systems.
  • Questions about spartacus-as-a-service, an open source tool to provide privacy via obfuscation.


The best way to contact me. Responses are (relatively) prompt.

Twitter: _MikeKiser

Primary avenue for notification of the latest ideas, writing, or other content. DMs are usually open, but email is the more consistent route to get in touch with me.

LinkedIn: Mike Kiser

A (brief) overview of my career over the past few decades.